Generation Goat #26 – They Live

We’re Back!  In this week’s episode, Generation Goat returns from a “brief” hiatus.  We talk about what we’ve been up to, Chris’ receding hairline, comics, the Superbowl, and Andy’s profound love of leprechauns.  We also talk about the end of Jon’s doctoral dissertation, Chris’ involvement in guerrilla theatre, and various and sundry reasons why Jon is a terrible blogger.  Also, I’m pretty sure we made Detroit mad at us.  Not Mitt Romney mad, but mad.  Sorry.  All this, and more, as we turn the sound up to 11!  (Sorry about that… to paraphrase the liner notes in Disintegration: “This podcast has been mixed to be played loud… so, our bad.”)


Generation Goat #25: Generation Waysiders

In this episode, recorded live at Podcamp NH, Chris is joined by R.T. from the Waysiders Podcast!  They talk about Rolling Stone, Howard Stern, and the awesomeness of The Goat.  There’s also a bit about Jon’s dissertation (really?). They also manage to alienate most Clapton fans, and spend a bit of time talking about Ringo’s rhythmic ineptitude.  They even talk about… Sister Act 3?  Wow.  (Oh, and guys, the answer is: The Eurythmics.)  Enjoy!

Generation Goat #24: All Out Of Goat

In this episode, Chris and Jon throw down a challenge for the folks at a rival podcast.  We also discuss Chris’ upcoming foray into semi-nude theater, the perils of Spotify, and haunted Providence.  There’s also a bit about death scenes, movie remakes, and the “deep cuts” from our high school band.  All this, and a little bit more, as Goat gets ready for PodCamp NH!