Generation Goat #29a: The Case of the Missing Goat

In this episode, Chris and Jon lament their lost episode, annoyingly talk about it for a while, and then resolve to discuss the events of Chris’ play, Chris’ teaching, and give some advice for kids with nightmares.  We also talk about some scary things from high school, casting for our upcoming theatrical adventure, and assorted other literary fare.  All this, and more, as Goat gets even older!  (Note: the audio’s a little wonky, and you can blame Chris’ iPad.  We’ll have a much better setup for Episode #30.  Promise!)

Generation Goat #28: Goats Assemble!

In this episode, Chris and Jon talk an awful lot about comics and comic-related movies.  We talk a bit about the trailer for the upcoming Avengers movie, the relative merits of the X-Men and the Avengers, as well as some little-seen characters like Dazzler.  We also look at some of our earliest comics, and discuss the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars prequels, and the Nolan Batman trilogy.  It’s a pretty geek-filled podcast, this week, and it ends with the Apocalypse!  So, have a listen.

Generation Goat #27: Here Lies Disco…

In this episode, Chris and Jon discuss musical sellouts, the 27 Club, and our third anniversary.  We talk a bit about our unsuccessful attempts to ford a river, life in the salt mine, and Chris’ recent theatrical endeavors.  We also talk for a while about the intersection of “real life” and creative work, the partial rebirth of Shh, Listen…, and post-Ph.D. stress disorder.  Also, Chris talks about new web projects, dabbles in Buddhism, and questions his sexuality.  All of this, and more, as Goat gets older and embraces its lack of eternal coolness… Enjoy!